Resultados: 3

Cuidados de enfermagem com crianças e adolescentes com epidermólise bolhosa: revisão sistemática

Resumo Objetivo Analisar a produção científica referente às ações/Intervenções de Enfermagem no ambiente hospitalar relacionadas ao cuidado com crianças e adolescentes com epidermólise bolhosa. Métodos Revisão sistemática, cuja busca se deu nas bases Cinahl, MEDLINE®/PubMed®, SCOPUS, L...

Elaboration of an educational technology for ostomized patients: peristomal skin care

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (2), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the elaboration of an educational technology to support orientations on peristomal skin care for ostomized patients. Method: the research had a qualitative approach and used the Action-Research method; data was collected through the Focus Group technique, with eight osto...

Dry care versus chlorhexidine cord care for prevention of omphalitis. Systematic review with meta-analysis

ABSTRACT Objective: to compare the effect of dry care and the application of chlorhexidine to the umbilical cord of newborns at risk of developing omphalitis. Method: systematic review with meta-analysis. Clinical trials comparing dry care with the application of clorexidine to evaluate omphalitis were...